Ahtanum Ridge Family Medicine
1420 Ahtanum Ridge DriveUnion Gap, WA 98903
(509) 454-7700
(509) 454-7710
Health Library
From healthy living tips to chronic illness mangement, this health library provides detailed information on a wide range of health conditions, illnesses and treatments. Follow each of the links below to reveal helpful articles, informative videos and more.
Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is called the "silent killer" because it has no symptoms. If high blood pressure remains unchecked, it can lead to stroke, heart attack, heart failure, and more. You can stop this silent killer if you catch it in time. Follow the links below to read informative articles and view videos about blood pressure.
Blood Pressure BasicsPrevention
There's a lot of news about cholesterol these days, and with good reason. High cholesterol contributes to heart disease, which kills more Americans than all cancers combined. A regular exercise routine and good eating habits along with medication if your doctor recommends it can keep cholesterol levels under control and lower your risk of heart disease. Follow each of the links below to reveal detailed articles, instructive videos and more related to managing cholesterol.
Understanding CholesterolEating Healthy
Managing Weight
Getting Exercise
Breaking Bad Habits
Taking Medication
Men's Health
Stay healthy and vigorous into old age by eating right, getting plenty of exercise and following recommended disease prevention practices. Follow each of the links below to reveal detailed articles, informative videos and more related to men's health.
GlossaryMen's Health
Prostate Health
Clinical Wizards
Older Adults
Although genetics determines how long we will live, it's the lifestyle we choose that will determine how healthy we are as we age. Follow each of the links below to reveal detailed articles, informative videos and more related to conditions affecting seniors.
Older AdultsHealth Concerns
Long-Term Planning
For the Caregiver
Home Health & Hospice Care
Medicare Part D
Clinical Wizards
Pediatrics/Children's Health
You want the best for your child, from good nutrition to effective discipline to a breadth of life opportunities. Follow each of the links below to reveal detailed articles, informative videos and more related to pediatrics.
GlossaryPediatrics/Children's Health
Women's Health
Enjoy good health at every age: know your body and how it works, eat well and stay active, and follow a plan for disease prevention. Follow each of the links below to reveal detailed articles, informative videos and more related to women's health.
GlossaryBreast Health
Women's Health
Plastic Surgery
Clinical Wizards